natural treatment for the disease dysentery disease


the world to come. the restored church ofgod presents david c. pack. answering life̢۪s greatest questions straight from the bible,and announcing the wonderful good news of the world to come. this is the final part on what the bible reallysays about healing. we have looked at medical science, the importance of true faith andthe other biblical prerequisites for one to be healed. we also examined many plain versesabout the subject. but there are more, in fact many more, and they are also important.we now complete basic knowledge about healing. we have seen that christians must obey god'slaw. this is absolutely prerequisite to god answering any prayer. read again: "whatsoeverwe ask, we receive of him, because we keep

his commandments, and do those things thatare pleasing in his sight." i have known many who wanted to be healed but refused to keepgod's commandments. they were not, and never could be, healed. here is why god does noteven hear their prayers: "he that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayershall be abomination." strong words---from god!god is eager to heal those who obey and please him. it is one of the benefits he is anxiousto give. remember, david wrote that god "forgives all your iniquities" and "heals all your diseases,"he said, "and forget not all his benefits." yes, serving god is very beneficial to allwho do it! we have already discussed faith, and how jameswrote, "the prayer of faith shall save the

sick." faith is also vital to receiving anythingof god (jms 1:6-8). god is determined his servants rely on him!so then, the 2 conditions for healing are obedience and faith!no one wants to die. yet, in reality, we all, quite literally, have an appointment withdeath: "it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."if one has faithfully served god all his life, then death, and facing god's judgment, isnot something to fear. god mercifully allows some to die. he does not heal them in thislife. notice: "the righteous perish, and no man lays it to heart: and merciful men aretaken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come." butwe will see the promise of healing still remains

intact. here is how. god has made promisesto his faithful servants: "now i say that jesus christ was a minister of the circumcisionfor the truth of god, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers." the fathers are primarilyabraham, isaac and jacob (acts 3:13). all of these men died. god had not yet fulfilledhis promise to them. but they died believing he would: "these all died in faith, not havingreceived the promises," it says. a few verses later, god explains why: "these all, havingobtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: god having provided somebetter thing for us, that they without us [all those called later] should not be madeperfect." they must await all of us coming later.the fathers are waiting in the grave with

all others who are asleep in christ. god isfaithful. they will receive his promise of the resurrection and salvation. this meansthat sometimes a long period will pass before god fulfills a promise---but he always fulfillsit. every one of god's greatest servants eventuallydied of something, even if it was old age. in the end, when the purpose of their liveshad been completed, god did not choose to extend their lives---as with hezekiah for15 years. god allowed all of them---even hezekiah---to all cases, god could have intervened. yet when they come up in the resurrection---atthe very next instant of their consciousness---they will be completely healed.god does not always heal in this life. for

his own purpose and timing, he allows someto "die in faith." apparently, he even delivered enoch thru death. others he takes "from theevil to come"---and there is great evil and calamity just ahead for all peoples and nations.but all this has no effect on god's promise! do not misunderstand about the help of physicians.there are many useful things they can do. they can deliver babies, fix broken bones,suture wounds---and a growing number can offer helpful advice about various conditions. theycan also be helpful in diagnosing problems, so people can make changes in diet, exercise,or other areas of health. these are all good, positive things doctors can do. but they cannotheal---because they cannot forgive sin! god's role as healer is to do for people whatthey cannot do for themselves. god could always

instantly mend bones, heal all cuts and woundsor cause babies to be born without assistance, as is the case with animals. but he allowsfor lesson learning, and growth in patience and longsuffering. sometimes he wants peopleto research and learn why they have health problems. doctors, like others, can be ofassistance. if god healed everything---and instantly---no one would ever learn from mistakes.(read psa. 119:67, 71). understand again! the church, its ministryand its brethren do not belittle or pressure people not to see doctors or utilize medicalcare. though the world is cut off from god, it has devised the medical profession and,over thousands of years, men have developed certain knowledge and skills---"expertise"---thatsome choose to pursue.

though under the overall sway of satan, thisworld and its medical science---the practice of medicine---and that is what it is, practice---hasrefined certain treatments. even though early physicians were more primitive in knowledgeand practice than today, christ was still willing to compare himself to a physicianwhen he called "sinners to repentance." he also chose to quote, without comment, a commonsaying about physicians, when explaining why many lepers were not healed in the time ofelisha. also, paul traveled with "luke the…physician," and this physician was used to record oneof the gospels, and the book of acts. there are also certain references to physiciansand medicines in the ot that are not found in a negative context. read these verses.but in no case do these passages hint, suggest

or imply that doctors can heal anything. theycannot! god can heal because he can forgive sin.going to doctors seems easy and natural for people who have grown up in a world disconnectedfrom god. trusting god seems unnatural---and it must be learned. christ asked how muchreal faith---like that of the apostles---would exist in the last days. he knew the realityof his being scourged with stripes---lashed with a "cat of 9 tails," tearing his fleshto pieces---would seem remote to those of the modern age, so accustomed to what medicalscience can do. most would fail to make any connection to christ's suffering then andtheir suffering now. at conversion, one is still 99.9 percent ledby human nature. the enormous influence of

the devil's spirit, at work in the mind, isstill present---and is only subdued over time. it also takes time to fully believe god willdo what he promises---whether to bless, deliver, guide, provide, answer prayers or heal. ifa member of god's church lacks confidence in god's promise to heal---either himselfor his child---then utilizing medical treatment may be better than doing nothing.but for those who obey god and are willing to trust him completely, there is this promise:"commit your way unto the lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." why?because jesus promised, "whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will i do."some have wondered if satan has the power to heal. witnessing loud, chaotic, outrageousdisplays of what appear to be healings, and

knowing such is not of god, some questionwhether these healings could be authentic. speaking of false ministers who preach "anotherjesus" and "another spirit," recall paul wrote, "for such are false apostles, deceitful workers,transforming themselves into the apostles of christ. and no marvel; for satan himselfis transformed into an angel of light. therefore it is no great thing if his ministers alsobe transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."one way satan makes his ministers appear as true ministers is by demonstrating certain"miracles," including acts of apparent healings. (also see rev 13:11-14.)in exodus, beginning in chapter 7, pharaoh's court magicians could perform certain actssimilar to miracles that god performed thru

his servant moses. these were things god allowedsatan to do, thru his own servants. the dramatic public healings promoted by someof this world's ministers are similar displays, where those suffering from various cripplingdiseases are really bound by a demon. notice: "there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity18 years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. when jesus sawher, he called her to him, and said unto her, woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.and he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified god."this is an account of one without physical handicap, but whose body was in the grip ofa demon. jesus cast the demon from her, and she was restored. satan can easily---probablytemporarily---pull back one of his demons

for dramatic effect.also consider that often, at the climax of many such events, the individuals involvedwill seemingly lose control, falling backward. but notice these verses: "abram fell on hisface: and god talked with him…then abraham fell upon his face…" it says---"jehoshaphatbowed his head with his face to the ground: and all judah and the inhabitants of jerusalemfell before the lord, worshipping the lord."---"he [christ] went a little farther, and fell onhis face, and prayed…"---"and so falling down on his face he will worship god."the previous scriptures show that those who come before god's presence generally bow forward.other scriptures show that those acting under the influence of demons tend to fall on theirbacks: "as soon as he [christ] had said unto

them, i am he, they went backward, and fellto the ground." why? notice: "there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit;and he cried out, saying, let us alone; what have we to do with you, you jesus of nazareth?are you come to destroy us? i know who you are, the holy one of god."rather than yielding to christ, those with demons recoiled from his power and authority.nowhere in scripture are people struck on the forehead and knocked backwards! god'sministers anoint---never strike, grab or shake---the sick.violent, noisy reactions are typical of those plagued by demons: "when the unclean spirithad torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him." the greek word translated"torn" is sparasso, meaning a spasmodic contraction.

compare this to the outbursts of "hallelujah!"and "amen!", often accompanied by gyrations or other displays of seemingly uncontrolledbehavior, which are standard fare at public "healing" revivals.acts 19:15-16 records the terrible result of unauthorized people carelessly---or recklessly---invokingjesus' name to cast out demons. 7 brothers in this account presumptuously took actionwithout jesus' authority. while scripture shows satan does not castout his demons (mark 3:23-26), it would certainly work to his advantage (as the god of thisworld---ii cor. 4:4) to make his ministers appear to have healing power. keep in mindthat satan can only do whatever god permits. (job 1:12 and 2:6.) and, as matt 12:43-45shows, if a person possessed by a demon is

freed from it, and the person's mind is notreceptive to the truth from god's word, then that demon will return with "7 other spiritsmore wicked than himself." also recognize satan does not have our welfareat heart (i pet. 5:8). he knows "he has but a short time" before christ returns. he recognizesthat our ultimate potential, as those made in the image of god (gen. 1:26), is to rulewith christ in the kingdom of god. not only does the devil not desire to physically healanyone of anything (had he the power), he also seeks to deceive all people and blindthem to god's purpose---that of spiritually healing the entire world!finally, remember healing involves---and requires!---the forgiveness of sin. obviously, satan has nosuch power. (read these booklets who is the

devil? and a world in captivity to learn moreabout satan.) this world has rebelled against every law,and rejected every promise, of god. it has literally "gone away backward." it has soughtto replace god with human institutions and solutions. they have not worked. the nationsof earth have rejected crucial knowledge that would have spared billions of people untoldmisery and suffering---if they had known it! man has made extraordinary "advancements"in medical knowledge. he has learned things about the human body and mind of which theancients could not dream. in addition, just the modern technology and machinery of medicalscience leaves the world aghast. astonishing new breakthroughs, entirely due to the abilitiesand capacity that god instilled into the human

mind, are almost routinely announced. truly,man can learn and do amazing things! but how often do you hear researchers and"experts" acknowledge god by crediting him for having created such potential within thehuman mind? instead, lifted with pride in his own achievements, man has trusted in andcredited himself. at best, his efforts have resulted in certain useful knowledge thathas benefited a god-rejecting mankind only a little.incredible advancements of the last century and a half have left man drunken in the beliefhe can solve all his problems. but can he really do this? can today's confused, divided,poverty-stricken, war-torn, disease-laden world really be changed into the utopia humanitylongs for?

a wonderful new disease-free world is in theoffing---but it will not come because of the efforts of men!science once believed it could control and conquer disease. but new diseases are emergingand older ones, like tuberculosis, are rapidly mutating out of control. modern medicine isfalling behind in the war to eradicate disease. new disease outbreaks occur routinely aroundthe world. the danger is greatest in underdeveloped nations, where poor sanitation, war, overcrowding,and poverty spawn epidemics---and man and his gov'ts have lost control.cholera, dysentery, typhoid and malaria are still rampant. add the more recent arrivalsof the ebola virus, hantivirus, e.coli bacteria, salmonella and west nile viruses. then addthe dangerous bacteria spread by biological

warfare and terrorism. while some of the mostworrisome strains may be anthrax and smallpox, these are far from the only possible epidemicson the horizon. tens of millions in africa alone are hiv positive---and similar numbersare dying! just the threat of devastating epidemics keepsman reeling, constantly trying to put his finger in the dike. every form of illness,sickness and pestilence stalks the earth. new diseases---and threats of epidemics---loomover large areas of earth. anticipated epidemics---even pandemics---are now probably more than civilizationcan bear. (the world's resources---including clean air, water and food---are also beingstretched to the limit. at the end of 6,000 years of man's rule, civilization---and earthitself---is nearing complete breakdown. truly,

the entire planet needs healing.)terrible disease has been---and remains---inseparable from man's history! yet man feverishly continuesseeking to conquer it---while he seems to fall further and further behind. as he appearsto control one disease, two more appear. this will all soon change!all man's efforts to cure diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, blindness, deafness,alzheimer's (and other diseases of the mind), strokes, aids, and a host of infant and childhooddiseases will soon be unnecessary. all of the ongoing searches for new wonder drugs,treatments, specialized diagnoses, surgeries and procedures and breakthroughs in technologywill be called off. the entire world will learn god has alwaysbeen the only one who can truly cure or heal

all sickness and disease (ex. 15:26 and psa.103:3). mankind will learn god alone can forgive sin, which we saw is directly related to whypeople get sick. man is now under the death penalty for sin(rom. 6:23). often, death comes long before the end of a full life, because men have notunderstood that god is supreme healer. they have not understood that "by [christ's] stripesyou are healed"---that he "took our infirmities, and bore our sicknesses." when physical orspiritual laws have been broken, they have been ignorant of the fact that only god hasthe power to forgive. earlier, we discussed the great law of causeand effect. ignorance of this law has everything to do with why people get sick. proper diet,sufficient water, sleep, fresh air and exercise,

healthy thoughts and other important principlesand laws form the causes that people violate enroute to the bad effects, which we calldisease. most modern medical schools acknowledge they spend almost no time learning to preventdisease, but rather how to treat it after it arrives. soon mankind will be taught thatan ounce of prevention really does equal a pound of cure---both individually, and forman collectively. teaching mankind about good health is one of the basic laws to success---andall 7 of these laws will be taught. (turn 5)in tomorrow's world, after christ has returned and established his government, people willbe universally taught that "sin is the transgression of the law." we have discussed in detail bothgod's great spiritual laws, and that he has

instituted many physical laws. most have spentlifetimes specializing in how to break virtually every one of them. humanity is surrounded,therefore, by every kind of bad physical effect. rampant disease and illness are among thegreatest. now drink in god's promise regarding diseaseand sickness in tomorrow's world: "there the glorious lord will be unto us a place of broadrivers and streams; wherein shall go no galley with oars, neither shall gallant ship passthereby [war ships]. for the lord is our judge, the lord is our lawgiver, the lord is ourking; he will save us…the inhabitant shall not say, i am sick: the people that dwelltherein shall be forgiven their iniquity." this is one more verse---actually a prophecy---provingthe removal of sickness requires the forgiveness

of sins---"iniquity" or is an even more explicit promise from god, carrying more details of the enormousscope of mass healings to occur worldwide: "strengthen you the weak hands, and confirmthe feeble knees. say to them that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not: behold,your god will come with vengeance, even god with a recompense; he will come and save you.then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing."the bible prophesies a mass worldwide "healing revival." only this one will be genuine, notone of fraud, mixed with pageantry and designed for television in order to "suck in" hopefulsufferers. a utopian world with perfect health

for all is coming. it will bring universalhappiness, contentment, peace and prosperity. mass healing would certainly be necessaryif this is to happen---and many prophecies say it exciting to picture millions of blind people seeing sunsets they had only hearddescribed before---and the deaf hearing beautiful music, birds singing, and the sound of theirchildren's voices. the joyful exuberance will be so great that the dumb will not just talk---theywill sing! and the lame will not just walk---they will leap! this book, tomorrow's wonderfulworld -- an inside view!, will show you things that you cannot now universal healing would be complete without god also healing all of the diseased mindsnow clouded with every conceivable kind of

mental illness and insanity. this scourgehas plagued individuals, families and nations for millennia. perfect mental health willbe enjoyed by everyone---and all psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, psychoanalystsand modern shrinks will be out of business. why should it be that men do not understandthat god wants to bless them? god is the mastergiver of all perfect gifts. he explained this toisrael and told them what obedience would bring them. let̢۪s read: "it shall come topass, if you shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the lord your god, to observeand to do all his commandments which i command you this day, that the lord your god willset you on high above all nations of the earth: and all these blessings shall come on you,and overtake you, if you shall hearken unto

the voice of the lord your god. blessed shallyou be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. blessed shall be the fruitof your body, and the fruit of your ground, and the fruit of your cattle, the increaseof your kine, and the flocks of your sheep. blessed shall be your basket and your store."this promise will soon apply to the whole world. again, without radiant health, whocould be truly happy? this is what god desires. here is his promise, foretold 2,500 yearsago by the prophet jeremiah: "for i will restore health unto you, and i will heal you of yourwounds." and further, "they shall come and sing in the height of zion, and shall flowtogether to the goodness of the lord, for wheat, and for wine, and for oil, and forthe young of the flock and of the herd: and

their soul [their lives] shall be as a wateredgarden; and they shall not sorrow any more at all. then shall the virgin rejoice in thedance, both young men and old together: for i will turn their mourning into joy, and willcomfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow. and i will satiate the soul of thepriests with fatness, and my people shall be satisfied with my goodness, says the lord."by now, basic facts about healing must be acknowledged. and it must also be admittedthey form a consistent pattern. first, god told ancient israel that he wastheir healer. he even instructed this, knowing that he was not working with them spiritually---thatthey were merely a carnal-minded, physical people. he still promised them deliverancefrom all disease if they would trust and obey, we saw christ and the apostles healed. the gospels and book of acts reveal that miraclesand healings were common in the church at that time.then, we just saw that god plans to heal all sickness and disease upon christ's return,and during his millennial rule, with all need for doctors, nurses and those in the medicalprofession disappearing. god plans to dramatically re-establish himself as the one who heals.there is no denying all the scriptures in this series supporting and proving god's roleas healer. why then do people want to believe that god works thru "the doctor's hands" andmedical science today? this has never been his plan. prophecy shows "medical science"is about to be scrapped forever---and replaced

with knowledge of and obedience to god's healthlaws and god as healer! to learn more, read this thorough booklet the truth about healing.god declares, "i heal"---and "i change not." take him at his word---and expect his healing!until next time, this is david c. pack saying, "goodbye, friends." this program was made available byâ restoredchurch of god membersâ and donors from around the globe.â explore our vast library of literatureand otherâ world to come programsâ which are all made available free of charge. to learnmore, or to find a local congregation, contact us to receive a personal response from a minister.

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